Lethbridge-Stewart: Mutually Assured Domination by Nick Walters - Candy Jar Books

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Lethbridge-Stewart: Mutually Assured Domination by Nick Walters  SPECIAL EDITION

(Series 1 book 4)

The Dominators, the Masters of the Ten Galaxies, have come to Earth, and brought with them their deadly robotic weapons, the Quarks!

It’s the summer of '69. Flower power is at its height, and nuclear power is in its infancy. Journalist Harold Chorley is out of work, and Colonel Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart is out of sorts. Dominex Industries are on the up, promising cheap energy for all. But people have started going missing near their plant on Dartmoor. Coincidence, or are sinister forces at work?

Join Lethbridge-Stewart and uneasy ally Harold Chorley as they delve into the secrets behind Dominex,
and uncover a plan that could bring about the end of the world.

The fourth book in the Lethbridge-Stewart series.

About the Author

Nick Walters is the author of several Doctor Who novels including the Doctor Who Magazine award-winning Reckless Engineering. He has also written numerous SF and horror short stories. He lives in Bristol with his bike and his cat, his favourite band is The Fall, and his favourite Doctor Who is Tom Baker.

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Cover by Adrian Salmon




To visit the Lethbridge-Stewart website click here.

Also available as an audiobook. CLICK HERE to order.


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